How would you like to jam with the pros, create an original piece of music and perform it on stage at Summerfolk – all on the same day?
If you sing or play an instrument and you can spare a few hours on Saturday, apply for the JumbleJam workshop. You just might find yourself in a band with Robert Priest, James Gordon or Beckon(Connie Rositter and Beth Hamilton).

Varying skill levels are welcome – 15 musicians will be chosen by lottery for a diverse and entertaining mix. Some instruments are provided but you’re more than welcome to bring your own.
Deadline for all entries is 11:15 am Saturday August 20th.
Apply in advance by contacting the Georgian Bay Folk Society office (519) 371-2995 for an Application Form.
Or... pick up an Application Form on-site at the Information Booth just inside Main Gate.
Drop off applications at the Information Booth by Saturday morning. Space is limited.

Gather at the JumbleJam Zone (just north of the Amphitheatre Stage) at 11:45 am to see the band lists. Each band will have a 1 hour and 45 minute songbuilding session beginning at 12 noon, 2 pm or 4 pm. Bands take to the Down By the Bay stage at 7:00 pm Saturday evening.