Evening concerts in the amphitheatre are magical. With the waters of Georgian Bay as a backdrop, this intimate outdoor venue is a famous Summerfolk landmark. This is the stage that has hosted countless memorable Festival performances in its long history. Concerts each night from 6:00 - 11:00 pm.
Down By the Bay

Over The Hill - Dance Tent
You can learn the steps and kick up your heels on the wooden dance floor in the Over the Hill Tent. The name has nothing to do with age, it's just that the tent's location is 'over the hill' at the south end of Kelso Beach Park. Contra, folk and multi-cultural participatory sessions are scheduled throughout the daytime hours and Saturday night is highlighted by a grand dance.
The Gazebo stage is a great workshop stage to see and hear performers share their collective knowledge. Workshops are what folk festivals are all about and a unique feature that makes festivals like Summerfolk so appealing.
Cafe of the Senses - Homemade Jam
The cafe offers a seat and table to enjoy tghe fabulous offerings of Summerfolk's food vendors who serve an eclectic and international variety of nutritious and delicious treats. While there, you can listen to music on the Homemade Jam stage.
First Nations Village
Learn more about the traditions of our First Nations people. Participate in the storytelling, singing, cultural teachings and drumming sessions.
The Children's Village All are invited to actively participate in the song, tune, drum and storytelling sessions at Summerfolk's Sharing Circle. Bring your instruments, songs and stories to share with others. Todd's Musical Petting ZooKids and families love hanging out in the Children's Village. All day long there are musical performances, games and hand's-on craft projects for them to actively participate in.
The Sharing Circle
Under the Willows
Under the Willows is home to Summerfolk Choir. Rehearsals are held here in preparation for the opening Sunday night concert slot at the Amphitheatre. With the guidance and enthusiasm of Choir Director Tom Leighton, everyone with an interest in singing is invited to join. In between choir practices, in-the-round workshops are featured in this intimate location as well.
Todd Crowley travels the folk festival circuit with an enormous collection of traditional folk instruments covering the musical alphabet from accordion to zampoya. Cool thing is... he invites everyone to play them. If you've ever wanted to try your hand at an instrument, then this is the place to do it.
The Summerfolk Finale - The closing of the Festival Sunday night - not to be missed!