Things are starting to roll in preparation for the 2011 Summerfolk Music & Crafts Festival. If there is someone you'd like to see perform at Summerfolk next August, send me your thoughts at Thanks to all who filled out the survey at the 2010 Festival. Getting your feedback really helps determine what adjustments we need to make as we go along. We are currently looking for a poster design to use with our 'Feel the Rhythm' theme and we are updating the forms for next year's Fest. Tickets will be available shortly...we are going with Ticket Pro and we hope this will help make your entrance to Summerfolk fast and efficient. The Scenic City Order of Good Cheer has installed their new Splash Pad at Kelso Beach. This will be a nice addition to the Park and kudos to them for making it happen. We'll have to make a few changes with our set-up for the Festival but this will be something the kids will enjoy big-time. That's a few of the things we're doing these days. Keep in touch. Richard